”You can do whatever you want, you just have to decide.”一季之后少了两个常规角色finale真是哭惨了Ian:“Thanks for being my brother.” Lip:”Never had a choice.”Fiona从最喜欢的角色到最讨厌的角色再到最真实的角色厨房中的激战5真的好不舍~太爱这个家庭了
剧情一般特效水平足够但内容上没什么新意精灵完全是奇幻版的美国大兵(登陆时的“go go go”着实出戏片尾还有敬礼实在是“人性化”)同样是少年天才高定西装的主角和挑剔烦人的小谢尔顿一比哪个更讨喜显而易见;一部自认为很酷的电影题材确实不错没看过原著但听说不错改编的电影着实有些遗憾(迪士尼别嚯嚯这些奇幻作品了上一次时间的褶皱吧好像厨房中的激战5也是稀烂)(片头迪士尼城堡都没变化隔壁花木兰虽然一样稀烂但好歹片头还有圈砖墙可见该片的孤儿程度233)
“No one is ever going to hurt you like that again...Coz I love you, and I'm not going to let anything like that happen to you again," said Connell to Marianne, in the car taking them away from her home, with the moon above following them outside the window along the way, and that's the moment when depressed and diffident Connell gets closest to insecure low self-esteemed Marianne through the whole series in my eyes. No more painful repetition, M., no more repetition compulsion.